Honey and gin are a heavenly match, especially when they both hail from the pure, unspoiled shores of the West Wales coast. Of course, for us, turning them into a crowd-pleasing cocktail was always on the cards – enter the Honey Gin Old Fashioned. With so few ingredients in the recipe, our Signature Style Gin has plenty of room to reveal its beguiling charm, the orange and clove notes perfectly complemented by the silky sweetness of honey from hives just a winding country lane from the distillery.
The Old Fashioned has been around for so long, no one knows its true origin. What we do know is that the traditional recipe starts with a bitters-doused sugar cube topped with a generous measure of spirits. Living where we do, switching up the sugar with some wild local honey felt like the obvious thing to do.
The honey you choose can do wondrous things to the flavour profile of this recipe. A honey from bees who’ve feasted on heather swathed moorland will offer a very different taste and aroma than an orange blossom or eucalyptus variety. Experimenting is all part of the fun (and you get to drink the results), so no cocktail making flights of fancy are ever wasted. We think our local wildflower honey works beautifully with the citrus and spice notes of our Signature Style Gin, but you do you.
50ml In The Welsh Wind Signature Style Gin
1 bar spoonful of Welsh Honey
3 Dashes Saffron Bitters
Orange Oils
Orange Peel Garnish
Add the Signature Style Gin and three dashes of bitters to a mixing glass and fill with ice. Then drizzle in a spoonful of your favoured Welsh honey with the bar spoon and gently stir the mixture until the honey has completely dissolved into the liquid.
Strain the cocktail into your favourite rocks glass filled with ice.
For the final flourish, spritz a strip of orange peel over the glass, sprinkling the surface of the drink with fragrant citrus oils. Place another strip of freshly peeled, lightly twisted orange zest into the drink and you’re good to go.

*If you don’t have a bar spoon, don’t worry - the measure is the same as a teaspoon.